Dear FDSN WG1 members,
Here are some suggestions for discussion on increasing the size of the
FDSN Backbone.
Best regards,
First, a very brief history. The FDSN Backbone was "originally" the
FDSN network. At the Potsdam meeting in 2004, FDSN members expressed
their interest that their networks actually become part of the FDSN
network. To include this concept and still to maintain a globally-
distributed, high-quality, openly-exchange subset of the FDSN network,
the for…
Dear Colleagues,
In anticipation of discussions at Working Group 1 at our upcoming
meeting in South Africa (6 months away), I am proposing to expand the
size of the FDSN Backbone, with the addition of 35 globally
distributed real-time GSN stations (list attached). These stations are
currently available at the FDSN Data Center with documented metadata
and open real-time access.
I welcome discussion and other recommendations of stations from FDSN
Best regards,
Dear All,
I also agree with Winfried and Jim.
The issue seems to me more conceptual than purely scientific.
FDSN as it is consists of a growing number of stations and with so
many stations it is no longer as manageable as it was some time ago.
E.g. if data stops flowing in from some particular station, it is no
longer feasible to look after this and inquire why - especially in
places like Europe where FDSN stations are numerous and one
can find another station from an alternate location fai…