Dear all,
As there are no more comments on Seiji's proposal for a new blockette -
2001 Delay Time Information Blockette - we can accept it. Also please
notice that the proposal for a Quartz Pressure Blockette has been withdrawn.
Best regards,
From: Seiji Tsuboi []
Sent: Thu 1/13/2011 1:44
To: Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI);
Subject: RE: [fdsn-wg2-data] proposal new blockettes
Dear Reinoud
Dear WG-II members,
I believe the detailed explanation by Seji concerning the proposed new blockette (2001) is
clear and answers the questions by Chad, Tim and Rick. However, in my opinion the use of
a letter code (AA, B1 etc) for the data transfered path should be predefined and described in
the SEED manual. Seji, can you please define the codes as you are using them now ?
Apart from this I believe this blockette can be approved - if you have any objection please
let us know within 2 weeks…
Dear WG-II members,
I received the following request from JAMSTEC for 2 new blockettes within SEED,
including a detailed description (see attached file):
One is ``Delay time Information Blockette" which describes breakdown of total
delay time. The other is ``Quartz Pressure Blockette" which includes 14 coefficients
to convert count value of quartz-type pressure gauge data to physical value.
1. ``Delay time Informat…