I would like to throw out for review the idea of making a small modification to station <Operator> element. I would like to propose that no more than one <Agency> element be permitted within <Operator>.
The pull request:
Here are some use cases that prompt this proposal:
Case 1) Multiple Stations per Agency: It is certainly not uncommon for an agency to function as an operator for more than one station. It is possible that the contacts from that agency vary from station to station. It…
Hello All,
I am developing enhanced database schemas to facilitate generation of StationXML for the GSN II (IDA) network. I am looking for clarification on the station level <Operator> element. Am I correct in thinking that this is to contain information about the station "on-site” sponsor/host/operator?
Many thanks,
Dan Auerbach
Application Developer, Project IDA, Rm 2120
Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics, MS 0225
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
La Jolla, CA…