You are receiving this email because you are a manufacturer of seismic data acquisition systems, a member of FDSN WGII on formats, on the FDSN executive committee or someone closely involved with equipment within IRIS. Fee free to share this email with others you think would be interested.
IRIS, along with its partners in the FDSN, are organizing a meeting to discuss the future of the time-series portion of the SEED format, namely miniSeed.
As the metadata portion of SEED is changi…
Greetings Everyone
The deadline for indicating interest in attending a meeting discussing the future evolution of miniSeed was last Friday. It turns out that rooms are quite limited for meetings at the EGU.
We were able to reserve
Room 2.17 available from
8:30 to 12:00 noon on
Thursday 21 April 2016
There will be two topics for discussion, both which include the FDSN membership and manufacturers of equipment as key stakeholders.
1. 8:30 - 10:30 The goal is to identify features the ne…