Comments Must Be Submitted to WG II list ( by May 31, 2016
I apologize for the delay in getting this information out to everyone.
I am attaching the following items
1) The agenda for our meeting in Vienna
2) The next generation of miniSEED document - this is the straw man and is currently Version 2016-3-30
3) The rationale for the recommended changes
4) The process proposed at the EGU meeting and it is the process we will follow
5) the Excel template in w…
I have put together a java implementation of the strawman 2016-3-30 here:
There is nothing like actually trying to implement something in code
to help see how a spec really works. For what it is worth, I feel like
the strawman is much, much improved over the old miniseed2. It is so
much simpler and easier to code. I feel that the reduced complexity
will make it much less likely that weird and subt…
Propose to add U as a legal data quality value, indicating user
modification as opposed to data center modification.
Existing data quality values mostly pertain to data centers. Adding a
value to explicitly say the user has modified the data would allow the
user to tell processed data from data center "original" data and also
allow the user to use the data version field to track their changes.
So Q2 data means the data center did a change in quality control,
while a U3 means the user has modi…
Spreadsheet is attached. But as reading in a spreadsheet is painful,
here is the idea:
Loc ids give namespace to channel codes, but were separate due to
constraints of seed. It would be more logical to combine the two into
a single field. Propose that this be 8 chars where it can be of the
where L is locid, B is band code, I is instrument code and O is
orientation code.
This preserves naming for older channels, with and without locids, and
The Flags header byte contains the byte ordering of the header. Since
the you need the byte order to extract the rest of the header, it
makes sense to move it to the front of the header so reading software
does not have to read ahead to get this value. Byte 4 seems the best
place, immediately after the header version field, but it should be at
least before the first multi-byte binary header field.
Hello,I am working a faculty member at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. I am currently doing research on seismic hazard assessment of Bangladesh. I would like to have the data from your seismograph network at Bangladesh, the network code is BI. From your website I could not figure out how to request data for a specific station or event. Can you please help me in this regard? Best Regards
Ishika Nawrin Chowdhury
BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and …