Dear Goran and members of WG2,
the outcome of the successful FDSN WG2 meeting in the Netherlands, earlier this year, on the future of mini-SEED is
a White Paper which describes the ongoing discussion within WG2 on the motivation and vision for a new format, the
identification of current needs for a new format, a description of several proposals and a proposal for the way forward.
This White Paper, which is attached to this e-mail, will be the basis for further discussion during the FDSN WG2 …
Dear WG2 members,
the next FDSN WG2 meeting will take place on Tuesday, Aug 1 12:00 - 13:30, in room 503 of
the Kobe International Center.
Agenda topics:
- Sign in, identification note taker, review of the agenda
- StationXML (pending issues)
- OBS (White Paper by Wayne Crawford)
- Quality Control
- Future of mini-SEED (White Paper)
Best regards,
Reinoud Sleeman
Dear Colleagues and Members of Working Group II:
About a year ago (August 6, 2016) I wrote to you concerning the
recognized current need for an updated miniSEED format, and in support
of the ongoing efforts in WGII to develop a new FDSN standard. While
I did not attend the Utrecht workshop on this topic earlier this year,
I understand that it was productive and that much progress has
been made on the detailed definition of a new standard.
I now write again to request that you use the Ko…
Dear FDSN WG2 members,
after the previous WG2 meeting in Prague (2015) a number of proposals for changes in StationXML have been
sent and discussed on the mailing list, and are still pending. Only the addition of the Persistent Identifier (DOI)
to the Station element has been accepted so far.
The list below provides an overview of the different proposals and replies, which - I hope - is complete and correctly
represents the general view. In case you do miss your proposal please let …