Proposal to add Operator to NetworkType if/when a StationXML revision happens...
In most cases, all stations for a network will have a single Operator,
but currently Operator only exists at the Station level. Adding
Operator to the NetworkType would allow putting the contact
information in one place instead of repeating for each station, and
allows this information to be discovered without including stations,
for example when getting StationXML f…
Dear Goran and members of WG2,
the outcome of the successful FDSN WG2 meeting in the Netherlands, earlier this year, on the future of mini-SEED is
a White Paper which describes the ongoing discussion within WG2 on the motivation and vision for a new format, the
identification of current needs for a new format, a description of several proposals and a proposal for the way forward.
This White Paper, which is attached to this e-mail, will be the basis for further discussion during the FDSN WG2 …