Dear FDSN working group III
the next set of FDSN meetings are fast approaching - they will take place in conjunction with the IUGG in Montreal to be held from July 12-17, 2019.
The FDSN WGII meeting is tentatively scheduled for 12:00-14:00 on Saturday, July 13, 2019.
Myself and co-chair Chad Trabant invite your input as to topics to include on the agenda for WGII. A first draft is:
Proposed Agenda for Montreal:
1. Next generation mseed developments - update
2. Towards single st…
Dear Working Group II,
At the 2017 FDSN meeting in Kobe a number of extensions were approved to the StationXML 1.0 schema as listed in the meeting summary (
These changes have been incorporated into the StationXML 1.1 release candidate available here:
Additionally, a number of backwards-compatible changes suggested at prev…