Dear WG2 / WG3 communities
(apologies for cross-posting)
During recent WG meetings in Montreal, a consensus emerges that we need a better structure for decision making within the FDSN WGs, allowing all members to have some clarity and transparency about how decisions are being made.
A number of us have drafted the following statement at
We would like to take this to the FDSN plenary meeting and try to vote this through on Wednesday.
Dear FDSN working group III
the next set of FDSN meetings are fast approaching - they will take place in conjunction with the IUGG in Montreal to be held from July 12-17, 2019.
The FDSN WGII meeting is tentatively scheduled for 12:00-14:00 on Saturday, July 13, 2019.
Myself and co-chair Chad Trabant invite your input as to topics to include on the agenda for WGII. A first draft is:
Proposed Agenda for Montreal:
1. Next generation mseed developments - update
2. Towards single st…