Dear WG2 members,
As Chair of the WG2, I'm writing you regarding the outcome of the
Evaluation Review Team of the StationXML documentation.
First of all, I want to thank a lot to the four members of the Review
Team, Philip Crotwell, Rob Casey, Petr Kolinsky, and Jonathan Schaeffer,
who have invested so much energy on this.
The Team focused on the evaluation of the documentation and the
resolution of the related issues reported in the Github repository of
the StationXML.
They have sent a…
Dear WG2 members,
I'm writing you in order to formally open the "Evaluation and Adoption
phase" of the proposal for a new miniSEED 3 format submitted by Chad
Trabant. The original message by Chad is pasted below these lines.
Starting from today, you can review the resources provided (docs,
repositories) and provide your feedback in the issue tracker
or also in this list, if you feel that your feedback does not belong to
a tracker in Github.