International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

3I (2020-2030): French Landslide Observatory – OMIV - Temporary data NODES

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FDSN code 3I (2020-2030) Network name French Landslide Observatory – OMIV - Temporary data NODES (OMIV - nodes)
Start year 2020 Operated by
End year 2030 Deployment region -

The French Landslide Observatory (OMIV – Observatoire Multi-disciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants) is a service (SNO – Service National d'Observation) of the French Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU) of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) since 2009
The service monitors several continuously active landslides and rocky slopes affected by falls. The instrumented slopes are representative of deformation mechanisms and forcing conditions (rainfall, seismicity) observed in France. In 2024, the SNO partnership associates 5 OSUs (EOST, OSUG, THETA, OCA, OREME), 6 research laboratories (ITES-Strasbourg, ISTerre-Grenoble, GéoAzur-Nice, Chrono-Environnement-Besançon, Géosciences Montpellier, IDEES-Caen) and two operational partners (ONF-RTM, BRGM).

For each unstable slope, SNO-OMIV provides continuous open access to records of 5 categories of observation (Geodesy, Seismology, Hydrogeology, Hydrogeophysics, Meteorology). It provides access to quality-controlled and standardized sensor data and to advanced analysis products (catalogs of landslide endogenous seismicity, surface displacement time series, effective rainfall time series), distributed through the OMIV datacenter at Combined, the five categories of observations are unique worldwide for long-term landslide documentation.

This DOI refers to the seismic data recorded during temporary dense (> 30 sensors) seismic campaigns (nodes) on unstable slope sites supervised by OMIVin various environments. The sites and the specificities of the recorded activity are listed below:

PEG2 (32 nodes) : Pegairolles landslide located in Hérault (South France) and consisting of a large unstable slope in sedimentary rocks. The dataset includes the response of the landslide to a few rainfall events for a period of 1 month.
EMBR (83 nodes): Embrun (La Belotte) landslide located in Hautes-Alpes (South Alps) and consisting of a large urbanized landslide developed in moraine deposits. The dataset includes spatial changes in seismic velocity due to the complex structure of the unstable slope.
MARI (110 Nodes): Marie-sur-Tinée landslide located in Alpes-Maritimes (South Alps) and consisting of a large landslide developed in sedimentary rocks and superficial soils during storm Alex (30/09 to 03/10 2020). The dataset includes acceleration/deceleration phases of the landslide for a period of 2 months in relation to snowmelt and rainfall forcings.
CHAU (54 Nodes): Chauvet rock glacier located in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (South Alps). The dataset includes rockfall and ice-related seismic sources observed within the rock glacier for a period of 1 month.
VIE1 (74 Nodes): Viella landslide located in Hautes-Pyrénées (Central Pyrénées). The dataset includes acceleration/deceleration phases of the landslide for a period of 1 months in relation to rainfall forcings.
VIE2 (30 Nodes): Viella landslide located in Hautes-Pyrénées (Central Pyrénées). The dataset includes seismic shots made to infer the spatial changes in seismic velocity due to the complex structure of the main scarp of the unstable slope.
VIE3 (8 Nodes): Viella landslide located in Hautes-Pyrénées (Central Pyrénées). The dataset includes seismic events observed along a fiber optic / DAS sensing system deployed at the base of the main debris deposit.

OMIV seismological data for permanent sites are distributed through the MT network code and temporary sites for dense dataset through the 1N_2015 network code. The OMIV seismological data through are distributed the seismological data portal of the research infrastructure EPOS-FR. The OMIV seismological advanced products (catalog of landslide endogeneous seismicity, seismic noise variation) are distributed through the OMIV Datacenter portal accessible at


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