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FDSN code | 5E (2010-2010) | Network name | Earthquake Swarms and Aseismic Slip in the Salton Trough: High-Resolution Imaging of the Upper Frictional Stability Transition (Obsidian Creep) |
Start year | 2010 | Operated by | |
End year | 2010 | Deployment region |
Description |
Our survey consists of two seismic profiles, a 3-km-long E-W profile and a 5-km-long N-S profile. The N-S profile included both Betsy Seisgun and buried explosives and was recorded with a series of linked multi-channel (Geometrics) seismographs attached via multi-channel cables to 40-Hz, single-element vertical and horizontal geophones spaced at 5-m intervals. and RefTek 125A -Texan seismographs. The E-W profile just include Besty Seisgun sources and Geometrics recording. |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | 10.7914/SN/5E_2010 |
Citation |
Data Availability |
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