International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

6C (2018-2022): Myanmar subduction to collision imaging array

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FDSN Network Information

FDSN code 6C (2018-2022) Network name Myanmar subduction to collision imaging array (MySCOLAR)
Start year 2018 Operated by
End year 2022 Deployment region

The temporary seismic array, consisted of 30 broadband stations, will be deployed in north Myanmar in December 2018 for two years until December 2020. The overall scientific goals is to understand the transition from continental to oceanic collision, the partitioning of deformation in the (on-land) accretionary prism and along the strike slip Sagaing fault system and to image the subducting Indian Plate beneath Myanmar and southwest China. The Seismological methods applied to this dataset will include seismic tomography from ambient noise, and local and teleseismic earthquakes (body, surface waves, full waveform), receiver function, shear wave splitting, local earthquake location, focal mechanism and tomography.

Citation Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.14470/1P7564636194
For more: DataCite ( JSON | XML | BibTeX )

Data Access

Data Availability

FDSN Web Services provide a common data access API for seismic data.

Availability based on irisws-fedcatalog service.
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