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KBS - Kings Bay, Norway (photo1, photo2)

  Information for KBS as of February 1997
Station: Kings Bay, Spitzbergen
Director: Dr. Jens Havskov Network Affiliation: IRIS/USGS - GSN - GEOFON
Seismological Observatory
University of Bergen
Allegaten 41
N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Network Contact:
GEOFON Project
GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam,Germany
Telephone: 47 (55) 21-34-14 Open Station: No
Fax: 47 (55) 32-00-09 Parent Organization:
Bergen University
Latitude: 78.9256N
Longitude: 11.9417E
Elevation to Sensor: 74
Depth to Sensor: 3
Geology: Permafrost
Vault Conditions: Seismometer piers are isolated from the floor and extend through two feet of soil plus an additional two feet into the permafrost. Large iron bolts extend from the bottom of the pier into the permafrost for another five feet. The building is on stilts and the piers are exposed for several feet to the elements, and strong winds cause noisy conditions.
Site Description: N/A
  Addresses from which to obtain data.
Station Instrumentation
1. GEOFON: [GE] (also part of IU network) 5 Nov 1994 to present
2. Digital World Wide Standardized
Seismograph System - DWWSSN: [ DW ]
18 Oct 1986 to 13 Sep 1987