International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: RE: Voting phase for the Proposal about Metadata Standard for Legacy Seismic Data

Started: 2022-02-08 05:48:33
Last activity: 2022-02-08 05:48:33
Geoscience Australia votes yes.


Jonathan Bathgate |  Director
Observatory Operations and Data  |  Community Safety Branch
Place, Space and Communities Division
 t +61 2 6249 9690

-----Original Message-----
From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>
Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2022 04:59
To: FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase for the Proposal about Metadata Standard for Legacy Seismic Data

Dear WG2 members,

As we have mentioned some weeks ago, we need to open the voting phase to decide if the Proposal by Tim Ahern about "Metadata Standard for Legacy Seismic Data".

I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can.

Please, *register your vote by Monday 14th 2022*

*IMPORTANT* Let me remind you that the 1st voting phase decides only if we review the proposal (not the acceptance!).

In case you still haven't read the Proposal you can download the final version from the first link below, and also the presentation by Tim during the WG2 Meeting in Summer (2nd link), which received very positive feedback from the audience.

Let me remind you, that this is one of the rare cases in which the proposal itself comes directly from the community, as most of the ideas are supported by users opinions via a survey and outputs from workshops on this topic. In both cases, from users from all around the world.

>> Voting rules (consistent with current FDSN Terms of Reference):
>> 1 vote per FDSN member (i.e. each network or datacentre) >> Votes are agreed with at least 2/3 majority. Quorum for any decision is 5 FDSN member votes.


P.S.: I apologize for the short delay in opening the voting week, as I was sick during the last days.

Javier Quinteros
Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
Email: javier<at>

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

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