Dear members of the FDSN WG2,
Please find enclosed a first draft of the minutes of last weeks meeting.
If there are any comments/additions, let me know.
There are a number of actions, especially concerning the SEED issues.
I would appreciate it if you could react within the next three weeks to
the proposal from Doug Neuhauser
on the definition of band code in terms of sample rate and corner
frequency and also on the proposal by Nakamura/Tsuboi.
I would like to ask Ogie if he cou…
Hello WG II members
There are two kinds of SEED data shipments leaving the IRIS DMC as
well as most other data centers.
1) The first are traditional requests directed to the archive coming
from request tools such as BreqFast, NetDC, jWEED, etc. These data
shipments are generally in full SEED format.
2) The second are shipments leaving the DMC through Internet Transfer
mechanisms such as SeedLink or DHI. These generally are in miniSEED
Traditional Requests.
These requests are fo…
Dear All,
I added all of you who are on my distribution list to the fdsn-wg
listserver (those who did not register to the server yet).
Please find enclosed an additional issue for next weeks meeting
From: Seiji Tsuboi []
Sent: 07 January 2009 09:03
To: Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
Cc: 'Seiji Tsuboi'; 'NAKAMURA Takeshi'
Subject: RE: next meeting WG-2 in Cape Town
Dear Barnard
I am sorry for very late repl…
forwarded message:
> From: Doug Neuhauser <>
> Date: December 24, 2008 12:36:07 PM PST
> Subject: SEED band code clarification requested
> The SEED manual (Appendix A) provides some guidelines for band code
> assignment based on sample rate, and for higher sampling rate, based
> on corner frequency. These have recently been extended to define
> band codes for higher sample rates based on the same corner frequency
> guidelines.
> Band Band type Sam…
Dear subscribers to the fdsn wg2 list,
Recently I sent around the email I enclose to the members of the WG2 I
have in my own list.
I realized that I did not sent the email to the FDSN listserver and that
is what I did now.
If you receive the email twice, sorry.
Best regards
From: Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
Sent: 02 January 2009 11:12
To: Bernard Dost; Genevieve Roult; Harold Bolton; Jim Lyons; Pete Davis;
Ray Buland; Salvatore Mazza; Seiji T…