International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
2H (2009-2013) AFAR0911
  • University of Southampton, United Kingdom
2H (2014-2015) Ilan Plain 2014
  • National Central University (NCU), Taiwan
2H (2016-2025) Interim Broadband Monitoring of the Mount Erebus Volcano
  • New Mexico Tech, United States of America
2I (2024-2050) INGV temporary seismic network of Osservatorio Vesuviano DOI
2J (2011-2011) INGV Temporary Seismic Network for Montefeltro 2011 Sequence (Central Italy) DOI
2J (2012-2015) Seismological Observation of the Central-Northern Ecuadorian Subduction France DOI
2J (2016-2026) Clemson University Subsurface Deformation Monitoring Network
2K (2014-2029) Scientific Induced Seismicity Monitoring Network
  • Alberta Geological Survey (AGS), Canada
2L (2015-2016) Monitoring the unrest of El Hierro Island with seismic observations
  • GEOMAR, Germany
2L (2018-2019) LARGE-MEM
2L (2020-2022) Wellington Wellbore Velocity change experiment
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2L (2023-2023) Bedload Monitoring of Ephemeral Streams 2023 Nodal Portion
  • New Mexico Tech
2M (2015-2018) MISTERIOS
  • Institute Earth Sciences "Jaume Almera" (ICTJA), Spain
2M (2019-2019) Seismic imaging of the magmatic and hydrothermal systems beneath Lassen Volcanic National Park using a nodal seismometer array
  • South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
2M (2022-2026) Newberry Volcano EGS monitoring DOI
2N (2018-2018) TIME Tornillo, Texas Shot Testing I
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
2N (2019-2019) Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience Active Seismic 2019
  • IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center @ New Mexico Tech, United States of America
2N (2020-2020) Rainier 2020
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
2N (2022-2022) High Resolution Imaging of the Pedernales Earthquake Rupture Zone - Nodes Phase II
  • Lehigh University, United States of America
2N (2023-2024) Groundwater monitoring in Northern Utah (GNU) from one-year nodal deployment DOI
2O (2019-2025) Beetaloo Seismic Monitoring Project
2P (2017-2019) Broadband East Coast Network DOI
2P (2020-2023) South West Australia Network
2Q (2019-2019) Kilauea 2019
2Q (2020-2024) NEWTON-g gravity imager DOI
2R (2015-2020) Deep Geothermal northern HADES seismic array DOI
2R (2022-2023) Dense seismic node Arrays on Montagne Pelée, Martinique DOI
2S (2016-2017) Seismic neTwoRk/Array in norThwEstern arGentina
  • Universitat Potsdam, Germany
2S (2019-2020) Vestnaesa Ridge
2S (2022-2022) FLUID - Role of FLuids in Underground Salt Cavern and Wastewater Injection Site Deformation
  • Louisiana State University, United States of America
2S (2023-2029) Pacific Coast Seismic Assessment for Faults and Earthquakes DOI
2T (2018-2099) Texas Temporary Arrays
2U (2018-2026) Sedgwick Reserve
2V (2016-2016) Microseism source characterisation in the North East Atlantic, west of Ireland (NEAMS)
2V (2019-2020) Along-Dip Segmentation of the Slip Behavior and Rheology of the Copiapó Ridge, Chile DOI
2V (2021-2022) Vuache Fault DOI
2V (2023-2025) Harnessing the Geothermal Potential of Oklahoma Sedimentary Basin
  • University of Oklahoma (OU), United States of America
2W (2021-2025) Sandia National Laboratories, Alaska DAS
  • Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America
2X (2022-2022) Vulcan MT & Passive Seismic Array DOI
2Y (2022-2026) AdriaArray Temporary Network: Italy - northeast DOI

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