The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.
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Network Code | Network Name | Operated By | Deployment | DOI |
7A (1992-1992) | BTL | Australia | — | |
7A (2008-2008) | Lake Toba |
DOI | |
7A (2010-2011) | Cascadia- Keck | — | ||
7A (2012-2012) | Wide-Angle seismic reflection Experiment across the Central Iberian Zone; Iberia Peninsula | DOI | ||
7A (2013-2016) | Mid-Atlantic Geophysical Integrative Collaboration |
DOI | |
7A (2017-2017) | GEODES San Francisco Volcanic Field Active Seismic Experiment 2017 |
DOI | |
7A (2018-2018) | Sage Brush Flats Seismic Experiment on Interaction of Wind with Ground Motion |
DOI | |
7A (2019-2019) | CATENA | DOI | ||
7A (2021-2023) | Carajás Mineral Province Seismic Network | — | DOI | |
7A (2024-2024) | Georgetown Seismic Traverse, North Queensland | — | DOI | |
7B (1993-1996) | SKIPPY | DOI | ||
7B (2008-2010) | TIPAGE |
DOI | |
7B (2011-2016) | Dixie Valley EGS | United States of America | — | |
7B (2017-2017) | Active source acquisition in the Unaweep Canyon (Western Colorado) |
DOI | |
7B (2018-2018) | Effect of the explosive type on rock damage and seismic radiation | DOI | ||
7B (2019-2021) | PacificORCA | DOI | ||
7B (2022-2026) | AdriaArray Temporary Network: Austria, Croatia, Slovakia |
— | — |
7C (1994-1996) | YE | Australia | — | |
7C (2009-2012) | DORA |
DOI | |
7C (2014-2014) | 2014 NAPA Earthquake Response |
DOI | |
7C (2015-2019) | The Mackenzie Mountains Transect: Active Deformation from Margin to Craton |
DOI | |
7C (2021-2031) | Urban Seismic Network | — | DOI | |
7D (1997-1997) | KIMBA97 | DOI | ||
7D (2009-2010) | Yakima Landslide RAMP |
DOI | |
7D (2011-2017) | Cascadia Initiative Community Experiment - OBS Component |
DOI | |
7D (2018-2021) | Lake-induced earthquakes in Lake Erie |
DOI | |
7D (2022-2025) | Puysegur Tremor And Nucleation Geophysical Observatory |
DOI | |
7E (1998-1998) | KIMBA98 | DOI | ||
7E (2006-2008) | PASSEQ |
DOI | |
7E (2010-2011) | Glacioseismic Monitoring of Rumblings in Jakobshavn Glacier |
DOI | |
7E (2013-2024) | Reykjanet | DOI | ||
7F (1999-1999) | QUOLL | DOI | ||
7F (2010-2012) | Central Arkansas Induced Eathquakes 2010-2011 |
— | |
7F (2016-2017) | Past and future deformation of the Ross Ice Shelf | DOI | ||
7F (2018-2018) | PatachE Stress Observation | — | DOI | |
7F (2019-2020) | Oman Borehole Project Land Stations | DOI | ||
7F (2021-2026) | Snow Avalanche Seismic Monitoring around Sibilla Mount (Central Italy) | — | DOI | |
7G (2000-2001) | West Australian Cratons | DOI | ||
7G (2010-2010) | Eyjafjallajokull EY |
— | DOI |
7G (2011-2012) | Youngstown, Ohio, induced earthquakes |
— | |
7G (2014-2015) | Popocatepetl Tremor Experiment | DOI | ||
7G (2016-2018) | Jailolo network, West Halmahera - Indonesia |
DOI | |
7G (2019-2020) | Autocorrelation of ambient noise and P-wave coda for crustal structure |
DOI | |
7G (2021-2024) | Collaborative Research: Constraining transient magma intrusion processes in the Nyiragongo-Kivu continental rift zone |
DOI | |
7H (2001-2002) | TIGGER BB | DOI | ||
7H (2010-2025) | W-Alps landslide experiments Char d Osset, Chamousset, Pont Bourquin |
DOI | |
7I (2003-2005) | TASMAL | DOI | ||
7I (2011-2022) | InSight pre and post-flight test data | — | ||
7J (2005-2008) | CAPRA - Linkage | DOI | ||
7J (2011-2011) | Correlating seismic and visual (TLS) signals at Breidamerkurjokull, Iceland |
The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.