International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
YN (1999-2004) Seismic Experiment in Patagonia and Antarctica
  • Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), United States of America
XB (1997-1999) Seismic Experiment in Patagonia and Antarctica, A Broadband study of the tectonics and structure of the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Sea Regions
XJ (2004-2006) Seismic Experiment in the Aisen Region of Chile
  • University of Cambridge Earth Sciences, United Kingdom
YV (2017-2017) Seismic experiments at the USGS Debris Flow Flume
6G (2023-2024) Seismic exploration of motion dynamcis of the Slumgullion landslide
5G (2023-2023) Seismic exploration of motion dynamcis of the Slumgullion landslide
YJ (2018-2019) Seismic HAzard in Port-Au-Prince
  • UNSA - Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
3B (2023-2023) Seismic Hazard, Lithosphere Hydration, and Double-Verging Structure of the Puerto Rico Subduction Zone: A Seismic Reflection and
6H (2023-2023) Seismic Hazard, Lithosphere Hydration, and Double-Verging Structure of the Puerto Rico Subduction Zone: A Seismic Reflection and
XY (2004-2004) Seismic Imaging of Fractures at Krafla, Iceland
YG (2011-2011) Seismic Imaging of New Transitional Crust in the Salton Trough Oblique Rift
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), United States of America
3B (2020-2020) Seismic imaging of the Doty Fault, Washington
2M (2019-2019) Seismic imaging of the magmatic and hydrothermal systems beneath Lassen Volcanic National Park using a nodal seismometer array
  • South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
XW (2007-2008) Seismic Imaging of the Mantle Beneath the Anatolian-Aegan Domain
1G (2010-2011) Seismic Imaging of the Ordos Plateau
  • University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), United States of America
ZG (2022-2023) Seismic Imaging of the Pea Ridge Mine area, Southeast Missouri
  • MO U of S & T
ZU (2018-2019) Seismic imaging of volcano construction, underplating and flexure along the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
  • IRIS OBSIP (OBSIP), United States of America
XY (2007-2009) Seismic Imagining of the Mantle Beneath the Anatolian-Aegan Domain
  • Observatoire de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
XI (2000-2002) Seismic Investigation of Deep Structure Beneath the Ethiopian Plateau and Afar Depression
XR (2008-2011) Seismic Investigation of Edge Driven Convection Associated with the Rio Grande Rift.
  • University of Texas at Austin, United States of America
ZP (2016-2019) Seismic Investigation of South Central Oklahoma
  • University of Oklahoma (OU), United States of America
9N (2022-2024) Seismic investigation of the Puerto Rico subduction zone: structure, seismic hazard, and hydration of slow-spreading lithosphere
  • University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez; Puerto Rico Seismic Network
XD (1994-1995) Seismic investigations of the Lithospheric Structure of the Tanzanian Craton
XR (2016-2017) Seismicity near the Nemaha fault in northern Oklahoma
  • Cornell University, United States of America
ZS (2012-2013) Seismicity of East Coast Submarine Landslides
ZM (2005-2006) Seismicity of the Atlantis Massif, Mid Atlantic Ridge
Z5 (2013-2015) Seismicity, Structure and Dynamics of the Gorda Deformation Zone
  • Oregon State University (OSU), United States of America
8E (2014-2015) Seismic monitoring at Lascar volcano after 2014 Iquique earthquake
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
X7 (2007-2009) Seismic Monitoring of Active Rock Fall Source Areas in the Yosemite National Park
XV (1997-1998) Seismic Monitoring of Gatun Dam, Panama Canal
ZO (2006-2006) Seismic Monitoring of Greenland's Melting Ice Sheet
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), United States of America
1A (2019-2022) Seismic monitoring of post-fire debris flows in northern Arizona
YC (2021-2021) Seismic monitoring of the Muldrow Surge
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks
4B (2023-2025) Seismic Network Around Kangaroo Eyre Yorke DOI
2S (2016-2017) Seismic neTwoRk/Array in norThwEstern arGentina
  • Universitat Potsdam, Germany
XO (2016-2017) Seismic Network for Site Effect Studies in Amatrice Area (Central Italy)
ZX (2024-2026) Seismic Network in Under-explored Central Iceland DOI
UD Seismic Network Main Center of Special Monitoring
BY Seismic Network of Belarus
  • The Centre of Geophysical Monitoring of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarus
Belarus DOI
FB Seismic Network of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
WS Seismic Network of Repuplika Srpska
  • Republicki Hidrometeorološki Zavod, Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
RU Seismic network of the European part of the Russian Federation
  • Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GSRAS), Russian Federation
VG Seismic Network of the Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation
SL Seismic Network of the Republic of Slovenia
QZ Seismic network of the Seismological Experience and Methodology Expedition CS MES RK
TT Seismic Network of Tunisia
ZV (2016-2016) Seismic Noise Survey of Western Kazakhstan
  • Michigan State University (MSU), United States of America
8A (2023-2023) Seismic observations and characterization of vehicular activity
  • New Mexico Tech, United States of America
X6 (2019-2020) Seismic Observations of Glacier Creek to Infer Timing and Magnitude of Bedload Transport
XT (1994-1996) Seismic Probing of the Ontong-Java Plateau

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