International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
1D (2008-2009) Erebus Tomography and Source Studies
  • New Mexico Tech, United States of America
1D (1997-2000) SABOnet + Task Force in the Izmit and Düzce earthquakes epicentral area
1C (2022-2025) CANALAB Project - Temporary Seismic Deployment DOI
1C (2019-2021) Porto dos Gaucho
1C (2018-2018) Galilee Seismic Experiment: crustal and sedimentary structure and seismic hazard
  • USGS Woods Hole, United States of America
1C (2017-2017) Keweenaw fault imaging and fractured rock characterization projects
  • Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States of America
1C (2016-2016) Array in Wittewierum, Netherlands
1C (2015-2015) Antithesis 2
1C (2011-2014) Seismic Characterization of Menengai Crater, Kenya
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
1C (2009-2010) Urban Seismology 2
1C (2008-2008) Study of the Crustal Structure of Northern Vietnam
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
1B (2020-2024) STROM DOI
1B (2019-2019) Using passive seismics to determin a glacier sliding law
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States of America
1B (2018-2018) Cholame Nodal Array 2018
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
1B (2016-2017) Knipovich Ridge Passive Seismic Experiment
  • Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany
1B (2014-2014) Sweetwater Array
  • IRIS HQ, United States of America
1B (2013-2013) Assured Arctic Awareness
  • University of Washington, United States of America
1B (2010-2011) Gulf of Alaska Active Source Experiment
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), United States of America
1B (2006-2008) UGANDA
  • University of Frankfurt, Germany
1A (2024-2031) Methana Magmatic Observational Experiment DOI
1A (2023-2023) USGS Debris Flow Flume Seismic Monitoring
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
1A (2019-2022) Seismic monitoring of post-fire debris flows in northern Arizona
1A (2018-2018) Seismic reflection imaging of the low-angle Panamint normal fault system, eastern California, 2018
  • USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), United States of America
1A (2016-2017) Sri Lanka temporary broadband network
1A (2014-2015) Mining-induced seismicity network at mine Prosper-Haniel, Bottrop
1A (2013-2013) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Noise Analysis
  • New Mexico Tech, United States of America
1A (2009-2012) Arlita
1A (2007-2008) NCISP6

Network Data API

The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.