International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
1K (2020-2021) TEMPEST seismic network DOI
9D (2018-2020) Temporal network Sierra Negra
  • Escuela Politecnica Nacional-Instituto Geofisico, Chile
3T (2013-2018) Temporal network Tungurahua
  • Escuela Politecnica Nacional-Instituto Geofisico, Chile
1T (2018-2025) Temporal seismological network Mayotte
1V (2003-2015) Temporary Accelerometric Network in Basilicata region for Site Effect studies DOI
ZH (2021-2021) Temporary DAS Deployment associated with the DEEPEN project in the Hengill region DOI
1D (2021-2021) Temporary DAS Deployment associated with the DEEPEN project in the Hengill region, Iceland (DEEPEN), Western DAS branch
Y7 (2022-2024) Temporary Deployment for DemoUpStorage, Helguvik, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
  • Eidgendssisch Technische Hochschule - Swiss Seismological Service (ETH), Switzerland
YM (2021-2021) Temporary Deployments associated with the DEEPEN project in the Hengill region, Iceland
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland
9S (2012-2030) Temporary deployments in Switzerland associated with landslides
  • Eidgendssisch Technische Hochschule - Swiss Seismological Service (ETH), Switzerland
X6 (2021-2023) Temporary deployments on Mt. Zugspitze (Germany) for permafrost investigations
  • Ludwig Maximillians Universitat Munchen (LMU), Germany
5A (2021-2030) Temporary deployments operated by industry partners of the Swiss Seismological Service.
  • Eidgendssisch Technische Hochschule - Swiss Seismological Service (ETH), Switzerland
Z8 (2022-2026) Temporary network Croatian Seismological Survey DOI
XK (2020-2020) Temporary network seismic in Central Calabria
Z6 (2020-2021) Temporary Nodal Deployment at Kilauea Caldera
Z2 (2016-2018) Temporary Receivers for Monitoring Bangladesh Earthquakes
6D (2019-2019) Temporary seismic deployments on Bowdoin glacier, Northwest Greenland
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland
7M (2021-2021) Temporary seismic network in the urban area of Rome city (Central Italy) DOI
Z3 (2014-2014) Temp-Sismo12082014
  • Escuela Politecnica Nacional-Instituto Geofisico, Chile
4L (2023-2025) Tenerife-Gran Canaria Seismic Network (GUANCHE_INTEGRAL) DOI
6A (2017-2018) Teno Valley Seismic Network
8H (2019-2020) Terceira2019
ZL (2016-2016) Terrapin
XX (2013-2599) Test and non-distributed data only
1D (2022-2022) Testing continuous seismic borehole sources at PFO, CA
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ZT (2003-2004) Testing of a Deep-Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored- Buoy Seafloor Observatory
  • IRIS HQ, United States of America
2G (2010-2015) Testing of the effectiveness of incorporating seismic data in seismic hazard assessment within a traditional field course
  • Indiana University Bloomington (IU Bloomington), United States of America
3L (2010-2023) Testing of the effectiveness of incorporating seismic data in seismic hazard assessment within a traditional field course
  • University of Indiana
YE (2011-2025) Testing TA & FA vaults and directly buried sensor (3T)
  • IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center @ New Mexico Tech, United States of America
8F (2017-2017) Test study to detect moisture in a Playa lake bed
  • Texas Tech University, United States of America
YZ (2022-2022) Tete Rousse DOI
YC (2013-2017) Texas Brine Corporation Louisiana Seismic Network
ZZ (2017-2018) Texas-Geothermal Seismic Exploration and Monitoring Via Ambient Seismic Noise Interferometry
X4 (2010-2014) Texas Gulf Coastal Plain, USA
4T (2018-2099) Texas Seismological Network
2T (2018-2099) Texas Temporary Arrays
XB (2024-2025) The Caucasus Seismic Network: The Uplift and Structure of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus
  • University of Missouri (MU), United States of America
United States of America
XA (2017-2023) The Caucasus Seismic Network: The Uplift and Structure of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus
  • University of Missouri (MU), United States of America
XY (2017-2017) The Central Iberian Mountain Range a Key Asset to the Deformation Mechanisms of Iberia
ZA (2006-2008) The Colima Deep Seismic Experiment: Imaging the Magmatic Root of Colima Volcano
  • University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), United States of America
XR (2001-2002) The Florida to Edmonton Broadband Experiment
XF (2020-2020) The GEYER seismic network DOI
ZK (2021-2023) The Irpinia seismic Array DOI
3P (2017-2021) Theistareykir monitoring network DOI
YS (2009-2013) The life cycle of Andean volcanoes:Combining space-based and field studies
  • Cornell University, United States of America
7C (2015-2019) The Mackenzie Mountains Transect: Active Deformation from Margin to Craton
  • Colorado State University (CSU), United States of America
YK (2023-2023) The Milun fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing (MiDAS) project DOI
6O (2016-2025) The Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences FanQuakes Project
XO (1997-1999) The Origins of Mantle Anisotropy beneath Eastern North America
  • Brown University, United States of America
5J (2014-2016) The Sardinia Passive Array Experiment (SPAE)

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